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- *-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-*
- ! !
- ! The Dark Side Research Group !
- ! !
- ! Proudly Presents: !
- ! The DARK BOX: Multi-Purpose Network Manipulation Unit !
- ! !
- ! By: Cablecast 0perator !
- ! !
- ! (]<)0PYWR0NGDE 1987, 1990 DSR/ATR All Rights Fucked !
- ! !
- *-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-*
- -=> Introduction <=-
- The Dark Box is the newest device to enter the "colored box" market
- and is guaranteed to rerevoloutionize the art of telecommunications
- fraud. The device's inventor, Cablecast 0perator, became quite bored
- with the old forms of phreaking, having to worry about codes dying,
- or being traced. The unit you are about to build was spawned by the
- need for a more versitle, safe and interesting way to phreak. You
- don't need any special tones or attack dialers, just your good old
- every-day DTMF pushbutton phone.
- The box's basic design allows you to call anywhere on earth (or
- elsewhere for all we care) without fear of being billed or traced.
- But it's uses do not stop there! When hooked up properly, it can be
- used to emulate multi-line bridges, loop lines and direct in-dials.
- It's really quite simple. The device is plugged into two phone
- lines, other than your own, or one end into a phone line and the
- other into another box. When there is an incoming call, the device
- senses this and picks up the phone. Your call is then transferred to
- the other line or onto the loop. When you hang up, the device senses
- this, too, and it hangs up also, waiting for the next caller.
- To illustrate this, whip out your good old analog multimeter and
- hook it up to your phone line. See that nice, juicy voltage on
- there? Now call it on your other line. The voltage will jump and the
- polarity will go all to hell. This version of the Dark Box uses
- an alternating current detector to tell if the phone is ringing
- because sensing voltage is unreliable and not entirely universal. Now
- pick up your second line. There is a momentary blackout on it and
- then the voltage becomes constant. Now hang up the phone you called
- in on. There will be another blackout on your other line ans then
- the voltage will pop back up again. On the box, hangup is detected
- by the line current passing through an optoisolator that is holding
- the relay open. When it is cut off for the split second the blackout
- occurs, the relay is cut off and the phone hangs up.
- NOTE: With the rapid expansion of digital ESS's, the little phone
- company quirks that are essential for the device's operation might
- not be available in your area. Check your line with the meter as
- directed to be sure!
- -=> Trip To Radio Snack <=-
- On your next trip out to your friendly neighborhood Radio Shack, get
- yourself these:
- 1:1 Audio Isolation Transformer
- 555 IC Timer
- Optoisolator (Transistor Output)
- (2) NPN Transistors (2N3904 or 6 Will Do Nicely)
- (2) 100k 1/4w Resistors
- (2) Normal Diodes
- 1k 1/4w Resistor
- 10mF Electrolytic Capacitor
- Disc Capacitor (.01mF)
- DPST Relay
- 9v Battery or Likewise AC Adapter and Timer
- It'll run you about five or six bucks, unless of course you get a
- five finger discount...It can be mounted on a small IC perfboard, or
- whatever you like depending on how small you want it.
- If you can't display the schematic that goes along with this, we'll
- do it like connect the dots, it'll be fun!!
- + O P Q
- _________ ________ ___|_____|_____|_____|___
- A -|o |- H I -|o |- N | C |
- B -| 555 |- G J -| OptoIs |- M | O DPDT/DPST |
- C -| ICTimer |- F K -|________|- L | I Relay |
- D -|_________|- E |___L_____________________|
- | | | |
- - R S T
- This is the wiring diagram for X1, the 1:1 Audio Transformer:
- RED --(white)--------O||O--------------(red)-- YEL
- O||O
- GRN --(black)--------O||O-----------(yellow)-- BLK
- They don't have to be paired exactly like that, just remember that
- white goes with black, and red goes with yellow.
- Text coding of the schematic is very simple. If you have ever
- assembled one of those 1,000,000,000,000-in-1 electronics kits from
- Shack, you can do this... I will guide you with TO and THRU. There
- is a difference:
- A ----*---- B A ----- R1 ----- B
- |
- R1
- "A TO R1 TO B" "A THRU R1 TO B"
- Parallel Circuit Series Circuit
- These are the abbreviations for the components:
- RED, GRN, YEL, BLK = Phone line red and green respectively
- Dx(Anode/Cathode) = The Diodes Where x={1,2}
- Qx(Emitter/Base/Collector) = Transistors x={1,2}
- C1(+/-) = Electrolytic Capacitor (observe polarity!)
- C2 = Disc Capacitor
- R1 = 1k Resistor
- Rx = 100k Resistor x={2,3}
- Ya dig it, mon? If this is too complex for you, try and view the
- schematic through Generic Software's CADD, or try to draw your
- own out from the directions below. Sometimes it helps to do this
- in visual terms!
- Ok, let's go to it...
- <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=->
- 1: GRN thru R3 to Q1(Emitter) to GND
- 2: RED thru D1(Anaode) to Q1(Base)
- 3: Q1(Collector) to B
- 4: +V thru R1 to B
- 5: +V to M to D to H to Q2(Collector)
- 6: H thru R2 to G to F thru C1(+) to GND
- 7: E thru C2 to A to GND
- 8: C thru D2(Anode) to Q2(Base) to L
- 9: Q2(Emitter) thru COIL to GND
- 10: RED to I
- 11: J thru X1 to T
- 12: GRN to R
- 13: BLK thru X1 to Q
- 14: YEL to O
- <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=->
- There. That wasn't too hard now, was it? Now let's test it. A word
- to the wise: Do not substitute batteries or other power supplies in
- place of the telephone line. If you do, then you risk blowing the
- transformer and the optoisolator.
- -=> Testing The Puppy <=-
- Now that you have it built, double check and make sure everything is
- OK before you apply power to it. If everything you have is right,
- there might be some wierd, uncaught error in the file, or you have
- bad parts. Contact us or try again.
- A voltmeter and a logic probe can come in handy here...
- Connect the battery, but not the phone line yet. Your relay should
- not throw. If it does, check the 555 and the transistor triggering
- it.
- If that's ok, short out the emitter and collector on Q1 momentarily.
- The relay should throw for about two or three seconds then shut off.
- If not, check that trigger circuit again.
- Now plug in RED and GRN. If your relay trips, you might have the RED
- and GRN reversed, or Q1 is not wired properly.
- If you're ok, call it on your other line. It should ring once and
- then pick up. If it's busy, perhaps D1 is not right. If it doesn't
- answer the phone, check Q1 to make sure all contacts are right.
- Ok, FINAL TEST! Connect YEL and BLK and call the line that RED and
- GRN are on. It should pick up and you should hear a steady dial tone
- and be able to dial DTMF on it, etc etc etc. There are several
- problems that could arise here. 1) No dial tone means it's either
- not hooked up right, or the transformer is bad. 2) If you only get
- it for about three seconds before it hangs up on you, you are not
- getting complete isolation from the other line. Check the
- transformer. 3) If the dial tone you hear is "bobbled" then you have
- a major voltage spillover, isolate the second line from the rest of
- the circuit.
- If everything checks out, you have just built a DARK BOX!! Now let's
- have fun with it...
- -=> Applications And Operations <=-
- You already have the basic unit constructed. This is sort of a
- Pseudo-Extender or Pseudo-Diverter. Place it on any two phone lines
- (other than your own) and be sure you know the number for the RED-
- GRN pair. Now when you call the line that's hooked up to RED and
- GRN, you get the dial tone from the YEL/BLK pair, and it's just like
- you were at that person's house using THEIR phone! But you're not,
- you could be in Tahiti if you want! This is, basically, how you
- avoid billing of calls.
- If you want to use this box from long distance without having to pay
- for it yourself, you could wire a black box resistor onto the
- RED/GRN pair. It's not your phone line, what do you care?
- For loop lines and cheese boxes, wire two Dark Boxes back to back on
- any two phone lines.
- For a multiple line bridge, you need as many boxes as you want dial-
- ins. Loop all the YEL's and BLK's together respectively and plug the
- RED/GRN's into a hunt group (You know, call 555-0000 and if
- it's busy, you'll be transferred to 555-0001, etc etc), this way,
- hackers can drop in and out at will. Didn't Cap'n Crunch do
- something like this?
- If you want to make credit card calls instead of dialing direct,
- attach the box to two payphones that are next to each other.
- That way, you don't have to freeze your ass off to avoid having
- your phone number put on the guy's card bill. Make sure the
- payphones will accept incoming calls!
- Patch YEL/BLK into an audio amplifier and into the paging system
- at someplace like K-Mart. Imagine the riot you can start by
- paging "INS! Stay where you are!" The xfrmer should push out
- a line level audio, so interfacing to most sound applications
- should be a snap.
- A word about Caller ID. CI has been introduced scince the invention
- of the box. The box can bypass CI to an extent, being that if the box
- calls someone who caller ID's you, they'll get the second phone line
- of the box, and not you. However, if the indialing line for the box
- has CI and you call directly into it and someone happens to be there
- to get it, you could be in serious trouble. A soloution to this would
- be to use the box on a payphone that will accept incoming calls.
- Scince noone gives a fuck who calls a pay phone, chances are it won't
- CI'd. You could also place the box in an area that doesn't have CI,
- whereas in order for CI to work, both the caller and the callee must
- be in service areas.
- Don't be limited by only these suggestions! Be creative and let us
- know how you use it! Make a DID for your school's PABX, or get your
- VICModem to autoanswer! There HUNDREDS of uses for this
- revoloutionary device waiting to be discovered!
- -=> One Final Word <=-
- The staff of Dark Side Research would like to thank our friend,
- Rebecca, who has encouraged us to press on in the Box's development
- even during times when it seemed hopeless.
- Enjoy you new toy....
- Cablecast 0perator